What We Do

L13 MCS South works with multifamily property owners that set a high bar of excellence when it comes to improving the quality of life of their residents, as well as the quality and value of their assets.

From modest capital improvements to complex property redevelopment projects, multifamily property owners know that the level of quality of their asset correlates proportionately to resident retention. 

Our President, Dan Ricci, works with commercial property owners that set a high bar of excellence when it comes to optimizing the quality, and functionality of the site for their tenants’ businesses, as well as the quality and value of their assets. From modest tenant fit outs to complex property redevelopment projects, commercial property owners know that the level of quality of their asset correlates proportionately to resident retention.

How We Do it

Early in the pre-construction process, L13 MCS South will conduct a number of discussions with property owner(s) and their teams to understand the project concept, to develop overall project scopes of work and to determine project feasibility.

We value engineer the scope of work to assist property management teams to comply with predetermined budgetary constraints without losing site of our client’s vision.

We consider site logistics to include project sequencing and scheduling processes with the property management team, consultants and contractors.

Throughout the construction process L13 MCS South will communicate extensively with all parties to ensure our client’s project has been executed as planned.


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